Pedestrian ‘heart’ provides key to ‘Inclusivity’
Town Square Redbank Plains
Alceon & Capital Transactions JV
Redbank Plains, Queensland, Australia
Collaboration on artwork
Collaboration on pedestrian spine
Town Square Redbank Plains encourages an inclusive community enriched with locally relevant artwork and connected to its local context. The primary pedestrian spine assists in achieving this inclusivity for patrons and local residents through its broad/generous covered way and seating/gathering nodes strengthened by artwork. Canopy trees and mass understorey planting enhance this setting whilst providing a mass of ‘softening’ proportionate to the scale of the centre.
Pedestrian ‘heart’ provides key to ‘Inclusivity’
Town Square Redbank Plains
Alceon & Capital Transactions JV
Redbank Plains, Queensland, Australia
Collaboration on artwork
Collaboration on pedestrian spine
Town Square Redbank Plains encourages an inclusive community enriched with locally relevant artwork and connected to its local context. The primary pedestrian spine assists in achieving this inclusivity for patrons and local residents through its broad/generous covered way and seating/gathering nodes strengthened by artwork. Canopy trees and mass understorey planting enhance this setting whilst providing a mass of ‘softening’ proportionate to the scale of the centre.